Linda is a photographer and an educator who has combined these mediums together. The videos on display provide a snapshot of Linda's work and dedication to reflection and mindful and contemplative practice.
Photography is a pure visual language. It speaks the truth to the one who bears witness - whatever their unique and intimate perception.
YouTube Videos of Linda's work
About Linda's Videos
Creativity to explore, share and ponder
As a part of Linda's work, she has a number of videos and invites exploration of these.
'Cultivating Wellbeing' – An opportunity for you to take time out and reflect on what matters to you
Linda's classic children's book, 'It's just different now' — About grief and family separation
An Introduction to Linda's book, 'PONDERING GRIEF' – A glimpse into the book and some of Linda's reflections
'Breathe' – Linda's invitation to take time out to stop and notice along with a collection of her photography
'A Different Kind of Pilgrimage: Inner Noticing' – A snapshot of Linda's 2019 exhibition, bringing together works from the monks and staff at New Norcia W.A.
'whet your appetite' – A range of Linda's photography based on cafe food and drinks for consideration
'Pondering Grief Seminar' – Linda discusses the topic of loss, grief, change and transition based on her book 'PONDERING GRIEF.'